Friday, January 2, 2009

Speaking of keeping busy

Pam and I got Rock Band 1 for the PS3 off of Craig's list for $100. Last night we had Kristi over and found that no one is good at any of the instruments, except for singing. That didn't stop us though because we got drunk and sang our little hearts out. I got less drunk than the two girls because I had to work (also because it's hard to sing in key when you're drunk, right Pam?) :) Kristi and Brandon kicked in half the money so it was an even better purchase. Now they want to get one of the Singstar games because they'd rather do kareoke. We'll see, I'll have to check Gamestop again to see what they have. So anyways when I'm not killing Super Mutants in Fallout 3 I'm doing that. This weekend, I swear to God I'm going to try the Playstation Home app :) Anyways, I suppose I ought to get back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Hey... I'm a GREAT singer! And so is Kristi! *cough cough*. And yeah, booze only make our voices better! But whatever, we were having fun, until she had to call that douche bag that she calls a "husband" and he had to bring her down. Thank goodness I've got a such a prince as yourself to call mine! I can't handle other people's drama. And now we've got another friend that thinks we've got the ideal marriage. Yes... we rock.
