Friday, February 20, 2009

Wii have Fitness

Sometimes it's nice getting those annoying e-mails from vendors. New Egg sent one this morning that said they had Wii Fits in stock. I checked right away and they were still there so I bought one. It's too bad it's on a Friday, that usually means I won't see it until Wednesday or Thursday. I did get rush processing so they should be able to get it on a truck today, but it's going to sit in California or Iowa all weekend :(. The other downer is that there's $12.99 shipping on it. However, it's not in stores around Beaver Dam at all and I'm sick of driving around Madison for one. Now Pam just has to figure out how to pry me away from Rock Band to be able to use it.....maybe we should get a 2nd TV (hint, hint)

The plasma place didn't work out. They're open til 6pm but stop taking new donors at 4pm because the new donor process is freakin 3-4 hours long. Apparantly they do a physical exam and everything. So now I'm actually taking time off from work to go through the new donor process and then hopefully subsquescent visits I can get in after work. With any luck I should have the $90 before the 13th to get the Resident Evil 5 collectors Edition. Failing that, I'll still be able to buy the game (even if I only do 2 donations).

So I suppose that's it for now.

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