Friday, December 26, 2008

Another thing....

I'm glad that Sony has finally gotten with the program and started offering trophies (similar to Xbox's achievments) but I do have a few gripes about it.

First of all, if they're going through and patching all the games released before trophies, could they at least make it so that what you've accomplished already is reflected in your trophies? I was 95% of the way through Fallout 3 when it got patched and as a result have had to replay it. Now you have to play through to Lvl 20 3 different ways to get all of the trophies, so I would have had to go through anyways, but I would have liked to have 1 way (with Good karma) to have counted towards my trophy count.

Secondly, why couldn't they assign points to trophy's like Xbox does? If I knew I could score free schwag by gaining trophies, I'd probably play more games. Obviously, I'd probably rent or buy used, but it's still good for Sony for business.

Thirdly I wish there was an easier way in-game to find out what trophies you need. Currently you have to hit the 'PS' button on the controller and use the XMB to navigate to trophies. I suppose I can't complain too much as you can at least ACCESS the XMB during a game, it used to be that you would have to exit out of the game and then look.

With the 2.53 update, Sony has reportedly put Flash 9 functionality into their browser. Nice Sony, way to keep up there ::rolling eyes::. I haven't tried it out yet, so I can't actually say if it works or not. Edit: I checked and yes it does work. wOOt! Of course I'm not holding my breath on when Flash 10 is added :)

I also have to try out Home for PS3. I got the beta testing invite, I've installed it, but haven't made my avatar yet or tried it out. Penny Arcade seems to think it's not a good thing. Oh well, I still have to try it out to see if it's worth my time. I'll probably give it a crack tonight....maybe...if I'm not too busy retriving trophies for Fallout 3 :) Edit: Still too busy with Fallout 3, I'll be testing it on the New Year's break.

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