Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I love it when a plan comes together

(StreamOfConsciousness == True) So a funny thing happened during my struggles with Sprint. I got sick of waiting on my number port without any calls or status updates about what was going on. For shits and giggles I went to the AT&T website and what's this? A refurbished 16GB iPhone is $150? (Insert high squeaky voice) Really? That is the phone I wanted all along! But wait a second, I can't go with AT&T because there's no coverage where Pam works...well let's look at the map. O.O They have coverage!!!! (StreamOfConsciousness == False)

I was going to do that last bit with HTML tags, but I'm too lazy to put the & codes in so that the browser doesn't ignore the < & > signs....of course I just did it to show the signs I was talking about and then typing to explain it. #irony :)

I was able to get a refurbed iPhone and a refurbed Samsung Propel for 100 dollars less upfront than the amount I paid for the Blackberry Pearl and Samsung Rant, so that's cool. I got it with the same plan amount as Sprint, so that's double cool. The only hitch was once again they had issues with number porting, so I had to call several times to straighten things out and they actually sent us the phones with free overnight shipping (they are arriving today).

What's funny is that I called Sprint to tell them to shove it up their ass and 10 minutes after that call, my number port magically went through and I was able to use the phone for calling. How's that for service? :) I still couldn't use it for data because I had to request the data plan that should have been offered in the first place on the website. So that sucks. I will say I do like a lot of features about the Pearl and if Sprint hadn't sucked so hard, I would have stuck with it.

The whole thing is laughable because I'm now with the phone and the plan I wanted 6 months ago. It wasn't laughable as I struggled with getting the money, ultimately giving up and going with another provider. It's just another case where everything in life just works out. The downside is that I can never believe that it's going to turn out OK or it never does. It really does make a person into a pessimist.

On a side note, I also took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's this weekend. We had a pretty good time, but I get so exhausted with all of the naughty freaking kids around. Why doesn't anyone teach kids manners or even the simple rule that you shouldn't steal from people or sit there begging. I literally had kids coming up to me trying to tear off my tickets or beg for tokens from me. What the fuck? Of course there are misbehaved adults too. I was trying to play a game with my daughter and she wandered off back toward her mom. I continued to play the game (which I had to get on my knees for) and some cuntrag comes up and says "You know, when you have to get on your knees for a game that's usually an indicator that you shouldn't be playing it." I asked her if she could see the sign on my back. What sign? The one that says 'Please feel free to intrude in my business'. She took off in a huff probably thinking that I'M the asshole. I'm sorry but if you are going to be an asshole to me, I will return the favor.

By her account then ALL the games, save for basketball shooting, are kids only. The funny thing is that in the one game in particular, it was too tall for my kids. :) Also if it were up to them to spend all the 200 tokens we had it would take forever (as it was we were there for 4 hours). So once again to all nosy Madisonians, please go fuck yourselves if you want to get in my business.

A few more things of note:
-I'm pretty excited about the Packer's draft. The addressed every need they had (Defense and Offensive lines). I hope that the new rookies work out for them. It could be an interesting season.

-The Brewers seem to have righted the ship with the starters putting together quality outings all week and the bats getting hot at the right time. They've won 5 of 6 (The only loss was by 1 run) and are playing an injury depleted Pirates again tonight at home.

-Singstar for PS3 has gone live with trophy support now. Some of them are really hard though. You have to have an upload viewed 200 times in one week, have 8000 total views of all media, and get over 9000 on Hard on 5 different songs. That's going to take a while, especially because I've got to see if I can find a cheap webcam to work for the PS3 ( I don't really want to drop $40 on the PS3 one)

-Still got trophies to get for Rock Band, Resistance 2, and multiplayer Resident Evil 5. I'm going to have to recruit Pam to play for me when I'm at work :)

Anyways, time to get back to work and daydream about my new iPhone. It's out for delivery right now. I wish I were home right now, it's like Christmas in April :)


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