Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Things are hopefully a little better now

So the living room is 98% done for now. I still have to lay Quarter round around the room to hide the gap for the laminate floor. Other than replacing the drop ceiling tiles (and upgrading the electronics *nudge* *wink*) that room is D-O-N-E, done. After that, there's replacing the ceiling tile in the office and installing a closet door, putting ceramic tile in the coat room and then putting in recessed lighting in the kitchen and then I think the entire 1st floor is complete.

It was a bit of a pain in the ass and took up all my weekend, but the new living room it fucking sweet. I'll admit I didn't think it would turn out well but that's because I couldn't imagine the wall color on the non-brick walls. With the color it used to be, a brick wall would have looked stupid. But I guess I have a failure to visualize the whole room. Guys don't operate like that, and I suppose Pam will never let me forget that I was vehemently oppoosed to a brick wall in there. Oh well, at least it looks nice.

I would be posting pictures, but our camera has been broken for weeks now. The lens mechanism for going in and out is broken. I just purchased a new one for $89 with 2 day shipping with the funds from selling my external hard drive. That's kind of irritating because in a perfect world, I would have been using that money for either an internal 1TB drive for the computer or the collector's Edition of Resident Evil 5. With the money I have left and money from other places, I still have a shot at getting it but I'll have to see. I guess it depends if I can get Pam to 'loan' me $40 which I'll put back into checking later. Considering I didn't get paid for my 16 hours of work, that should be a fair deal :)

I did manage to get some Rock Band in. I'm making pretty good progress on the trophies. I've gotten the "All venues played" and "1,000,000" fans trophies. I'm hoping to find time for the 'iron bladder' trophy. That's where you go through all 85 songs without pausing or failing. Hopefully if you can do it on Medium that shouldn't be a problem, I just hope my voice and/or arms hold out for 3.5-4 hours of straight playing.

I would have done more last night but I had to get my "24" fix in. I'm all about suspending disbelief for TV, but seriously, a underwater passageway from the Potomac into the White House, really? Oh well, it'll be fun to see Candyman (General Juma) go up against Jack Bauer. It's too bad that David Palmer isn't still the President on the show. I wonder what Jobu would make of the Candyman?

Anyways, gotta go, these calls won't answer themselves

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