1st of all that's just crazy expensive. I get that the resistant ones aren't prescribed a lot, but still over $1 per mL for an antibiotic? What the fuck? 2nd the insurance has NEVER fought with us on anything in 5 years. Through 2 pregnacies and deliveries, 1 extended hospital stay for an infant, multiple doctor and ER visits, Badgercare has paid it all and now they want to be dicks about it. Maybe it's just the economy problem, but still it's not like we were getting her Viagra or something :)
Another odd thing is that my daughter wanted me to comfort her most of the day. Usually the kids don't really seem to care about me that much (maybe because I'm gone 10.5 hours a day), but that was really weird. I suppose that's a good thing because I generally can have more patience when I need to, whereas my wife lately (since becoming pregnant for the 3rd time) does not now. Of course I don't blame her for that, your emotions get all flaky when you're pregnant. Nonetheless, it's pretty cool for me that she wanted to be with me and I was able to provide for her without blowing up.
The nice thing about being at home for that long is that I did manage to get some stuff done. I've been on an organizing and cleaning frenzy lately. I don't know why, I'm not a neat freak but the basement has been pissing me off for a while. Also just the fact that we have so much shit in the house that we don't use/need that I just want to get rid of it. I've done a lot with the stuff that I have getting rid of old tech books and cables and toys and junk and stuff. Now I'm trying to convince Pam to go through the basement and get rid of what we don't need. She's waiting until we know the sex of the baby but even if it's a girl we have 2 girls worth of clothing stored and surely we can get rid of some now and the rest later if it's a boy. Oh well, as long as it gets done or until my clutterbug crawls out of my ass.
Another thing is that I got to play games for a while. As you can see below I got a few more trophies from Resistance 2. I'm finally starting a game on superhuman and I'm doing alright (probably not much worse than on Veteran). I'm also playing with my clan on co-op although I wish they'd stop trying co-op on superhuman. I also tried ranked competitive multiplayer and I hate fucking playing with other people. Even in team games, no one plays as a team and I always seem to be on the team with retards. Either way, I'll have to do a lot of grinding for those trophies. I'm also going to try the Endless Setlist on Expert this weekend, but I'm going to split it in 2 parts so I'm not up until 4am again. After all that, I'll have to either find a new game to play or hope that the Singstar trophies are available. Woot! :)
Holy crap, it's almost noon. Time flies when you miss 2 days of "work". Work in this case meaning catching up on e-mails, blogs, Twitter, etc. :)
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