1. Twittedfon- a lightweight Twitter client that integrates Twitpic, GPS tagging, profile viewing, etc.
2. Facebook - this ones obvious. The only things that seem to be missing is chatting and viewing notes (I haven't been able to view mine at least)
3. Remember the Milk - I've been using RTM as an effective tool for Getting Things Done and maintaining lists of future stuff to do and get. The iPhone frontend works really well. My only gripe so far is that you can't ADD locations, you have to do that from a computer. RTM also requires a premium account to use the iPhone service which is $25/yr.
4. Evernote - Evernote saves pictures, notes, and other things and syncs it between your mobile device, PC, or can be accessed from the website. I'm going to TRY to use it to take pictures of the receipts I incur instead of wadding them up in my pocket. The sweet thing about evernote is that it recognizes text inside pictures so you can search by that as well.
5. Mint - This is a front end for Mint.com so you can see how much money you have in the bank at a given time. This is a good tool if you are with a bank that isn't big enough to have it's own iPhone frontend, but is supported by Mint.com
6. eBay - Another obvious one. A frontend for ebay that you can search auctions, place bid, and watch what you're selling
7. Yelp / AroundMe - These two do almost the same thing. Find restaurants, gas stations, etc. realative to your current location. Yelp brings up less results but has user reviews. Aroundme just brings you the names and addresses.
8 Pandora.fm - Pandora is really sweet. You put in the name of a band that you like and it creates a radio station that plays that artist and other similar bands. Best of all it streams perfectly even on EDGE so I can listen to it on the way to work.
9. SnapTell - This appears to be the only free price comparison app that I could find. It is really sweet though. You take a picture of a CD, DVD, or game and it recognizes it and searchs online and locally for the best price. This way you can see if you're getting a good price.
10. Midori / Shazam - Ever hear a song and want to know who is playing? These tools are right for you then. Both do the same thing, i.e put the iphone to a speaker, record 10 secs. and search the database. Midori adds the ability to hum or sing the song. I personally haven't gotten that to work but the recording part is usually spot on.
So yeah, I am having mad fun with the iPhone. I will be attempting to jailbreak it, possibly this weekend. Mostly I just want to change the color scheme and remove the iTunes and Stocks buttons (you cannot remove the default buttons) but right now I am so glad I went with AT&T. They too had problems porting the numbers, but they hooked us up within a day AND waived our activation fees. Pretty sweet.
Now if you'll excuse me, a metric ton of shitty work just popped up
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