Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm king of the nerds!!!!!

So I've actually gotten to play with my iphone for a day now and I'm really impressed. I'm not really a fan of all things Apple and I'm sure there are certain things that work a little better on other phone (the virtual keyboard and camera come to mind). However it's the abundace of apps that makes the iphone experience so great. Ive listed 10 of my faves at time:

1. Twittedfon- a lightweight Twitter client that integrates Twitpic, GPS tagging, profile viewing, etc.
2. Facebook - this ones obvious. The only things that seem to be missing is chatting and viewing notes (I haven't been able to view mine at least)
3. Remember the Milk - I've been using RTM as an effective tool for Getting Things Done and maintaining lists of future stuff to do and get. The iPhone frontend works really well. My only gripe so far is that you can't ADD locations, you have to do that from a computer. RTM also requires a premium account to use the iPhone service which is $25/yr.
4. Evernote - Evernote saves pictures, notes, and other things and syncs it between your mobile device, PC, or can be accessed from the website. I'm going to TRY to use it to take pictures of the receipts I incur instead of wadding them up in my pocket. The sweet thing about evernote is that it recognizes text inside pictures so you can search by that as well.
5. Mint - This is a front end for so you can see how much money you have in the bank at a given time. This is a good tool if you are with a bank that isn't big enough to have it's own iPhone frontend, but is supported by
6. eBay - Another obvious one. A frontend for ebay that you can search auctions, place bid, and watch what you're selling
7. Yelp / AroundMe - These two do almost the same thing. Find restaurants, gas stations, etc. realative to your current location. Yelp brings up less results but has user reviews. Aroundme just brings you the names and addresses.
8 - Pandora is really sweet. You put in the name of a band that you like and it creates a radio station that plays that artist and other similar bands. Best of all it streams perfectly even on EDGE so I can listen to it on the way to work.
9. SnapTell - This appears to be the only free price comparison app that I could find. It is really sweet though. You take a picture of a CD, DVD, or game and it recognizes it and searchs online and locally for the best price. This way you can see if you're getting a good price.
10. Midori / Shazam - Ever hear a song and want to know who is playing? These tools are right for you then. Both do the same thing, i.e put the iphone to a speaker, record 10 secs. and search the database. Midori adds the ability to hum or sing the song. I personally haven't gotten that to work but the recording part is usually spot on.

So yeah, I am having mad fun with the iPhone. I will be attempting to jailbreak it, possibly this weekend. Mostly I just want to change the color scheme and remove the iTunes and Stocks buttons (you cannot remove the default buttons) but right now I am so glad I went with AT&T. They too had problems porting the numbers, but they hooked us up within a day AND waived our activation fees. Pretty sweet.

Now if you'll excuse me, a metric ton of shitty work just popped up


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I love it when a plan comes together

(StreamOfConsciousness == True) So a funny thing happened during my struggles with Sprint. I got sick of waiting on my number port without any calls or status updates about what was going on. For shits and giggles I went to the AT&T website and what's this? A refurbished 16GB iPhone is $150? (Insert high squeaky voice) Really? That is the phone I wanted all along! But wait a second, I can't go with AT&T because there's no coverage where Pam works...well let's look at the map. O.O They have coverage!!!! (StreamOfConsciousness == False)

I was going to do that last bit with HTML tags, but I'm too lazy to put the & codes in so that the browser doesn't ignore the < & > signs....of course I just did it to show the signs I was talking about and then typing to explain it. #irony :)

I was able to get a refurbed iPhone and a refurbed Samsung Propel for 100 dollars less upfront than the amount I paid for the Blackberry Pearl and Samsung Rant, so that's cool. I got it with the same plan amount as Sprint, so that's double cool. The only hitch was once again they had issues with number porting, so I had to call several times to straighten things out and they actually sent us the phones with free overnight shipping (they are arriving today).

What's funny is that I called Sprint to tell them to shove it up their ass and 10 minutes after that call, my number port magically went through and I was able to use the phone for calling. How's that for service? :) I still couldn't use it for data because I had to request the data plan that should have been offered in the first place on the website. So that sucks. I will say I do like a lot of features about the Pearl and if Sprint hadn't sucked so hard, I would have stuck with it.

The whole thing is laughable because I'm now with the phone and the plan I wanted 6 months ago. It wasn't laughable as I struggled with getting the money, ultimately giving up and going with another provider. It's just another case where everything in life just works out. The downside is that I can never believe that it's going to turn out OK or it never does. It really does make a person into a pessimist.

On a side note, I also took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's this weekend. We had a pretty good time, but I get so exhausted with all of the naughty freaking kids around. Why doesn't anyone teach kids manners or even the simple rule that you shouldn't steal from people or sit there begging. I literally had kids coming up to me trying to tear off my tickets or beg for tokens from me. What the fuck? Of course there are misbehaved adults too. I was trying to play a game with my daughter and she wandered off back toward her mom. I continued to play the game (which I had to get on my knees for) and some cuntrag comes up and says "You know, when you have to get on your knees for a game that's usually an indicator that you shouldn't be playing it." I asked her if she could see the sign on my back. What sign? The one that says 'Please feel free to intrude in my business'. She took off in a huff probably thinking that I'M the asshole. I'm sorry but if you are going to be an asshole to me, I will return the favor.

By her account then ALL the games, save for basketball shooting, are kids only. The funny thing is that in the one game in particular, it was too tall for my kids. :) Also if it were up to them to spend all the 200 tokens we had it would take forever (as it was we were there for 4 hours). So once again to all nosy Madisonians, please go fuck yourselves if you want to get in my business.

A few more things of note:
-I'm pretty excited about the Packer's draft. The addressed every need they had (Defense and Offensive lines). I hope that the new rookies work out for them. It could be an interesting season.

-The Brewers seem to have righted the ship with the starters putting together quality outings all week and the bats getting hot at the right time. They've won 5 of 6 (The only loss was by 1 run) and are playing an injury depleted Pirates again tonight at home.

-Singstar for PS3 has gone live with trophy support now. Some of them are really hard though. You have to have an upload viewed 200 times in one week, have 8000 total views of all media, and get over 9000 on Hard on 5 different songs. That's going to take a while, especially because I've got to see if I can find a cheap webcam to work for the PS3 ( I don't really want to drop $40 on the PS3 one)

-Still got trophies to get for Rock Band, Resistance 2, and multiplayer Resident Evil 5. I'm going to have to recruit Pam to play for me when I'm at work :)

Anyways, time to get back to work and daydream about my new iPhone. It's out for delivery right now. I wish I were home right now, it's like Christmas in April :)


Monday, April 20, 2009

The sad thing is that I'm getting used to this

So I got my new shiny Blackberry on Friday and tried to activate it only to find out that there was no line listed on my account due to the fact that I didn't get the required $30/month Blackberry Data Plan. I guess I wasn't THAT surprised as I figured that $15/month for data was too good to be true. Either way, that was more than I wanted to pay per month so after stewing for a while (and what a fun person I was for THOSE few hours). I decided that I would keep the plan but return the Blackberry Pearl for a Samsung Rant (the phone I got Pam).

So I called Sprint and they said that I could return it but I'd have to wait 1-2 billing cycles to get my money back and then I'd have to pay cash to get a new phone or I could take it to a store to exchange it. Great! We have a Sprint store in Beaver Dam. He failed to mention that it had to be a 'corporate' store and not a 3rd party vendor. The nearest corp stores are 40 miles away. So then Pam and I got into it as to whether she even wants to go with Sprint anymore and then whether she needs a cell phone. So I pretty much said "OK, I'm getting an iPhone then". Then she was all like "Weeeeellll, maybe we'll pay the $30/month" for the data plan :) Figures. Anything to deny me something new and shiny (I keed, I keed ;-D )

So great, I have a Blackberry now, but Sprint is having all types of problems porting the numbers and activating the phones. Because of the porting process my fucking Verizon phone doesn't work so I'm SOL right now. Actually I'm typing this whole thing while on hold w/ Sprint while they see what they can do right now. I'm hoping we can get this done NOW because I want to get the rest of the cool shit on the Blackberry like the Google apps and Remember the Milk. Currently I'm being transferred to a supervisor....yay progress!

Other than that I had a great weekend. Of course by great I mean that I had to do a shitload of yardwork, had the horseshit go on with Sprint, have a cranky post-op kid screaming about her throat and keeping us up at all hours of the night and driving us nuts, and it was cold and rainy. So yeah, not really that great. The only good thing I did of note was finish Superhuman difficulty on Resistance 2...which will be nothing compared to the "get 10000 kills" in Competitive mode (I'm at 95 kills right now and averaging about 5 per match :( )

This whole thing with Sprint gets me to another point. What the fuck happened to customer service? I don't mean with individuals in general because all the people I've dealt with at Sprint have been decent, but I mean as a company as a whole. We've had fuckups with Westbury Bank, FNBO, and now Sprint in the last few months. Like I said with Sprint the main problem is that it didn't even mention the Blackberry plan on the site and I think that's the root of all the problems here. On top of that, with other places you get the feeling that most people couldn't give a shit about whether you're happy with a particular company's service. With this economy you'd think people would give more of a shit because it would be so easy to replace them. You'd think companies would be falling all over themselves to give you awesome service because they're competing for less dollars. However, they don't.

Of course a lot of the problem is endemic of the industry. For cell phones in particular I've been with 4 different providers (PrimeCo, US Cell, Verizon, and now Sprint) and have not had a particularly great time with any of them. The only other national provider in the area is AT&T and if I go to them after my Sprint contract I guarantee that the service will still suck. Why should any one company do a good job at customer service when they all suck?

Update: My phone still doesn't work. They've escalated it to another team. However, they did get Pam's working so that's kind of cool. Hopefully they can get me up and running soon.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

One sick little monkey

So my youngest daughter has had quite a week. She had gotten a bladder infection and so was already feeling crappy and then we she had to get a tonsilectomy, an adenoidectomy and tubes put in her ears. I stayed home from work for a few days to help her and my wife out, but she's still pretty cranky. We also found out yesterday that the infection she had is penicillin resistant. So they prescribed the only resistant antibiotic that comes in a liquid form, Cipro. Soooo, being that it comes in 100 mL bottle and they have to make the whole bottle and my daughter only need 6mL of that the insurance had to fight us on that, so it took a whole day of the the doctors and pharmacists wrangling with the insurance company to justify that she needed it. Good thing too, because a full 100 mL bottle of Cipro is $121.

1st of all that's just crazy expensive. I get that the resistant ones aren't prescribed a lot, but still over $1 per mL for an antibiotic? What the fuck? 2nd the insurance has NEVER fought with us on anything in 5 years. Through 2 pregnacies and deliveries, 1 extended hospital stay for an infant, multiple doctor and ER visits, Badgercare has paid it all and now they want to be dicks about it. Maybe it's just the economy problem, but still it's not like we were getting her Viagra or something :)

Another odd thing is that my daughter wanted me to comfort her most of the day. Usually the kids don't really seem to care about me that much (maybe because I'm gone 10.5 hours a day), but that was really weird. I suppose that's a good thing because I generally can have more patience when I need to, whereas my wife lately (since becoming pregnant for the 3rd time) does not now. Of course I don't blame her for that, your emotions get all flaky when you're pregnant. Nonetheless, it's pretty cool for me that she wanted to be with me and I was able to provide for her without blowing up.

The nice thing about being at home for that long is that I did manage to get some stuff done. I've been on an organizing and cleaning frenzy lately. I don't know why, I'm not a neat freak but the basement has been pissing me off for a while. Also just the fact that we have so much shit in the house that we don't use/need that I just want to get rid of it. I've done a lot with the stuff that I have getting rid of old tech books and cables and toys and junk and stuff. Now I'm trying to convince Pam to go through the basement and get rid of what we don't need. She's waiting until we know the sex of the baby but even if it's a girl we have 2 girls worth of clothing stored and surely we can get rid of some now and the rest later if it's a boy. Oh well, as long as it gets done or until my clutterbug crawls out of my ass.

Another thing is that I got to play games for a while. As you can see below I got a few more trophies from Resistance 2. I'm finally starting a game on superhuman and I'm doing alright (probably not much worse than on Veteran). I'm also playing with my clan on co-op although I wish they'd stop trying co-op on superhuman. I also tried ranked competitive multiplayer and I hate fucking playing with other people. Even in team games, no one plays as a team and I always seem to be on the team with retards. Either way, I'll have to do a lot of grinding for those trophies. I'm also going to try the Endless Setlist on Expert this weekend, but I'm going to split it in 2 parts so I'm not up until 4am again. After all that, I'll have to either find a new game to play or hope that the Singstar trophies are available. Woot! :)

Holy crap, it's almost noon. Time flies when you miss 2 days of "work". Work in this case meaning catching up on e-mails, blogs, Twitter, etc. :)


Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's gonna be a nail biter all season

Caught almost all of the Brewers game yesterday over the computer, radio, and TV. They won a squeaker against the Cubs 4-3 by scoring 2 runs in the bottom of the ninth. It was close too, with Rickie Weeks scoring on a close play at the plate. If anyone actually watched the game, most people should know that Ryan Theriot fucked up. If you have a shot at a DP to end the inning you go for the DP, especially if you throw home on the wrong side of the plate. I'm glad to see we didn't waste a start by our new guy Braden Looper. He pitched pretty well despite throwing a lot of balls. He would have picked up the win if not for Seth McClung, who got McClunged for another homer (by a backup catcher no less) putting the Cubs ahead by 1.

Last night I also went through and did the Endless Setlist and Bladder of Steel challenges on Rock Band 2. The final stats:
Difficulty: Medium
6 hours spent singing
5 Diet Mt. Dews drunk
4 Rushed pee breaks (during Round and Round, Battery, Deluxe, and The Trees)
3 Songs not 5 starred
2 Trophies earned
1 Tired Josh (I didn't get to bed until 4am)
0 times having to pee in a bucket (I've heard of people having to do this)

So now I have do it again on Expert but this time I don't have to worry about failing or hitting Pause....which is good because there's like 5 songs that I'm not too good at. Then I have to finish the Drum Trainer, 100% guitar, and 4 player Band challenges and then I'm done. Easy right?

Anyways, break's over. Time to get the kids ready for pictures today and then clean the basement and house, etc. Got freakin Easter tomorrow and then I have to get up early Monday for Laney's surgery. She's getting her tonsils out. I'm hoping this makes her more understandable. It's so frustrating because she can't hear us and we can't understand her. Maybe she'll be better behaved when she can hear right.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Vacationing in 140 characters or less

So the family and I went to Wisconsin Dells for the kids birthday's. The bulk of the money was given to us by Pam's mom and let me say, just finding something to eat is pretty expensive. We went through almost $200 on food alone for 2 days. It was some good stuff but day-um it's expensive. We did find that by going with just water to drink and only one meal split between the kids we were able to stretch the money a bit. Still there were a few meals where we were eating cold cut sammiches.

Needless to say we didn't really partake in any attractions (most weren't even open, and while the hotel waterpark was nice for the price, the slides freaked out the kids and we spent most of the days at the pool. I'm not complaining though as the pool was within Wi-Fi range and I found that if you direct the PSP to the mobile versions of sites, it works much better. So I was able to check mail, be on the web, check my eBay auctions and yes, even twitter. So I made a bunch of tweets and found that you can get a pretty good record of what I thought and what caught my eye.

cycoivan Posted at 10:42am, Apr 05, 2009 from TweetDeck

Why is getting ready for a vacation so much work? If we weren't going I could relax today :) What the fuck? #irony

cycoivan Posted at 11:28am, Apr 05, 2009 from TweetDeck

Just about ready to go for 2 days away from everything. I'll be able to tweet from my cell but not receive, so don't expect a reply unti l8r

cycoivan Posted at 2:13pm, Apr 05, 2009 from txt

Made it to the Dells. Watching Monsters vs. Aliens with the kids to kill time before checkin.

cycoivan Posted at 2:55pm, Apr 05, 2009 from txt

Loving Monsters vs. Aliens so far. Wish I had the money for 3D though

cycoivan Posted at 3:47pm, Apr 05, 2009 from txt

Monsters vs Aliens was fucking awesome! You should go see it if you get the chance.

cycoivan Posted at 4:40pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - Happy girls ready to swim at the Polyneasian!

cycoivan Posted at 4:45pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - This is pretty fucking sweet for 80 bucks a night!

cycoivan Posted at 7:32pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - Time for some eats with Jake and Elwood at a classic Dennys

cycoivan Posted at 9:42pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web

hey forgot about now i can get my fix :)

cycoivan Posted at 9:50pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - Why do fucking Hummers have to be so big? Whats the point? I think someones got penis issues

cycoivan Posted at 10:42pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web

heh i finally get to do what i want and thats tweeting on the interwebs from the sauna :)

cycoivan Posted at 10:44pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web

then if its not too late im going to hit the gym and get my workout on. i gotta impress the laideez :)

cycoivan Posted at 10:57pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web

woo its fucking hot in here (whoda thunk it?)

cycoivan Posted at 11:28pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web

its been a good day heres hoping that tomorrows even better. good night y'all.

cycoivan Posted at 8:45am, Apr 06, 2009 from TwitPic - Paul Bunyan is friggin huge! I bet I could outeat him :)

cycoivan Posted at 9:02am, Apr 06, 2009 from TwitPic - breakfast. Still waiting on the rest of the family's :)

cycoivan Posted at 11:18am, Apr 06, 2009 from mobile web

@mainemonty oh yeah the sausages were damn tasty. i love me pork ;]

At this point my Twitter client is missing a whole day's worth of tweet's so I'm going to try and pull them from my memory :)

-Oh my God. I am so fucking full. Paul Bunyan wins again
-Getting my tweet on by the pool on a Monday. So glad I'm not working today
-Just checked my auctions on C'mon people! Bid, bid, bid! I needs mah money.
-Going to hop in the kiddy pool with the kids. I'm taller than the pool even lying down :)
-I tell you what. AYCE at Paul Bunyan's is good for two meals. It's a good deal for $30
-Tired, tired, tired. Lying down for a nap. Hopefully the kids will follow suit
-Where should we go eat now. I'd love to go to a fancy place, but the kids aren't fancy peeps :)
-Stopped at Marley's, a Jamaican restaurant. I love this place, especially the gator bites.
-Yeah, so they're probably chicken but they're so good that it's fun to pretend you're eating gator
-Having a Cuban sammich, Pam's having the Coconut chicken. It is so freakin good
-Back at the hotel. Laney's getting sick. Marvelous.
-Of course, when I say she can't go in the pool, she got well quick
-Texting from the hot tub on my PSP. What could go wrong :)
-Hot chick sat down in the sauna near me. Boooing :)
-Kids are an excellent conversation starter. They got me talking with the hot chick
-Now her and my wife are talking each other's ears off, leaving me in the hot tub. alone. :(
-In the sauna, there's a big fat sweaty guy in here (other than me) awk-ward.
-I don't know why I like these things. I'm not one for sweating and being hot
-On the elliptical. I wish to hell I had one of these at home. You get a workout but your joints don't hurt
-Exhausted. I don't want to go home tomorrow :( G'night.
-Chilling out in the morning, getting everything packed to go home.
-Laney really is getting sick, that sucks. Wish we could do something for her.
-Took the kids to the pool, but no one really feels like swimming.
-Eating at Pizza Pub. They got Wi-Fi here too. The buffet is a good deal, about $30 for family of 4
-Forgot it was opening day today. The Giants are going down! Well probably not. Suppan's pitching today. :(
-Stopped for some fudge on the way home. They let me pack it myself :)
-Finally home. It's good to be here, but sucks that I have to go back to reality.

So that's my twittercation. I had a lot of fun, but I wish the kids were feeling better and wanted to be more adventureous but oh well. One thing's for sure, next time we are bringing more money.

Speaking of the Brewers, they aren't doing too well so far. They lost 2 of the 1st 3 games through shitty pitching. That's not shocking. Our "ace" is Jeff Suppan, not a guy who batters are afraid of. I will say this, if Yovani Gallardo stays healthy, he's got a good chance to win the Cy Young. He looked really good on Wednesday, holding them to 1 run and cranking a 3 run homer off of Randy Johnson. So that's good. They play the Cubs today, so I'm hoping everything comes together for them.

You might notice a new thing on my posts. It's a Trophy card from PS3 Trophy card They link your Playstation account to the widget that shows what you're playing and where you're at for trophies. I'm still working on Resistance 2 and I swear I'm going to get Rock Band 2 one of these days too. I've got to buy the Resident Evil 5 multiplayer to finish those out too. I also read that Singstar is going to have trophies, but they look damn hard and many require that you shoot a video. I'll have to see if a cheap web cam works or if you need the PS3 one. Either way, I will be busy :)