So the family and I went to Wisconsin Dells for the kids birthday's. The bulk of the money was given to us by Pam's mom and let me say, just finding something to eat is pretty expensive. We went through almost $200 on food alone for 2 days. It was some good stuff but day-um it's expensive. We did find that by going with just water to drink and only one meal split between the kids we were able to stretch the money a bit. Still there were a few meals where we were eating cold cut sammiches.
Needless to say we didn't really partake in any attractions (most weren't even open, and while the hotel waterpark was nice for the price, the slides freaked out the kids and we spent most of the days at the pool. I'm not complaining though as the pool was within Wi-Fi range and I found that if you direct the PSP to the mobile versions of sites, it works much better. So I was able to check mail, be on the web, check my eBay auctions and yes, even twitter. So I made a bunch of tweets and found that you can get a pretty good record of what I thought and what caught my eye.
cycoivan Posted at 10:42am, Apr 05, 2009 from TweetDeck
Why is getting ready for a vacation so much work? If we weren't going I could relax today :) What the fuck? #irony
cycoivan Posted at 11:28am, Apr 05, 2009 from TweetDeck
Just about ready to go for 2 days away from everything. I'll be able to tweet from my cell but not receive, so don't expect a reply unti l8r
cycoivan Posted at 2:13pm, Apr 05, 2009 from txt
Made it to the Dells. Watching Monsters vs. Aliens with the kids to kill time before checkin.
cycoivan Posted at 2:55pm, Apr 05, 2009 from txt
Loving Monsters vs. Aliens so far. Wish I had the money for 3D though
cycoivan Posted at 3:47pm, Apr 05, 2009 from txt
Monsters vs Aliens was fucking awesome! You should go see it if you get the chance.
cycoivan Posted at 4:40pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - Happy girls ready to swim at the Polyneasian!
cycoivan Posted at 4:45pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - This is pretty fucking sweet for 80 bucks a night!
cycoivan Posted at 7:32pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - Time for some eats with Jake and Elwood at a classic Dennys
cycoivan Posted at 9:42pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web
hey forgot about now i can get my fix :)
cycoivan Posted at 9:50pm, Apr 05, 2009 from TwitPic - Why do fucking Hummers have to be so big? Whats the point? I think someones got penis issues
cycoivan Posted at 10:42pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web
heh i finally get to do what i want and thats tweeting on the interwebs from the sauna :)
cycoivan Posted at 10:44pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web
then if its not too late im going to hit the gym and get my workout on. i gotta impress the laideez :)
cycoivan Posted at 10:57pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web
woo its fucking hot in here (whoda thunk it?)
cycoivan Posted at 11:28pm, Apr 05, 2009 from mobile web
its been a good day heres hoping that tomorrows even better. good night y'all.
cycoivan Posted at 8:45am, Apr 06, 2009 from TwitPic - Paul Bunyan is friggin huge! I bet I could outeat him :)
cycoivan Posted at 9:02am, Apr 06, 2009 from TwitPic - breakfast. Still waiting on the rest of the family's :)
cycoivan Posted at 11:18am, Apr 06, 2009 from mobile web
@mainemonty oh yeah the sausages were damn tasty. i love me pork ;]
At this point my Twitter client is missing a whole day's worth of tweet's so I'm going to try and pull them from my memory :)
-Oh my God. I am so fucking full. Paul Bunyan wins again
-Getting my tweet on by the pool on a Monday. So glad I'm not working today
-Just checked my auctions on C'mon people! Bid, bid, bid! I needs mah money.
-Going to hop in the kiddy pool with the kids. I'm taller than the pool even lying down :)
-I tell you what. AYCE at Paul Bunyan's is good for two meals. It's a good deal for $30
-Tired, tired, tired. Lying down for a nap. Hopefully the kids will follow suit
-Where should we go eat now. I'd love to go to a fancy place, but the kids aren't fancy peeps :)
-Stopped at Marley's, a Jamaican restaurant. I love this place, especially the gator bites.
-Yeah, so they're probably chicken but they're so good that it's fun to pretend you're eating gator
-Having a Cuban sammich, Pam's having the Coconut chicken. It is so freakin good
-Back at the hotel. Laney's getting sick. Marvelous.
-Of course, when I say she can't go in the pool, she got well quick
-Texting from the hot tub on my PSP. What could go wrong :)
-Hot chick sat down in the sauna near me. Boooing :)
-Kids are an excellent conversation starter. They got me talking with the hot chick
-Now her and my wife are talking each other's ears off, leaving me in the hot tub. alone. :(
-In the sauna, there's a big fat sweaty guy in here (other than me) awk-ward.
-I don't know why I like these things. I'm not one for sweating and being hot
-On the elliptical. I wish to hell I had one of these at home. You get a workout but your joints don't hurt
-Exhausted. I don't want to go home tomorrow :( G'night.
-Chilling out in the morning, getting everything packed to go home.
-Laney really is getting sick, that sucks. Wish we could do something for her.
-Took the kids to the pool, but no one really feels like swimming.
-Eating at Pizza Pub. They got Wi-Fi here too. The buffet is a good deal, about $30 for family of 4
-Forgot it was opening day today. The Giants are going down! Well probably not. Suppan's pitching today. :(
-Stopped for some fudge on the way home. They let me pack it myself :)
-Finally home. It's good to be here, but sucks that I have to go back to reality.
So that's my twittercation. I had a lot of fun, but I wish the kids were feeling better and wanted to be more adventureous but oh well. One thing's for sure, next time we are bringing more money.
Speaking of the Brewers, they aren't doing too well so far. They lost 2 of the 1st 3 games through shitty pitching. That's not shocking. Our "ace" is Jeff Suppan, not a guy who batters are afraid of. I will say this, if Yovani Gallardo stays healthy, he's got a good chance to win the Cy Young. He looked really good on Wednesday, holding them to 1 run and cranking a 3 run homer off of Randy Johnson. So that's good. They play the Cubs today, so I'm hoping everything comes together for them.
You might notice a new thing on my posts. It's a Trophy card from
PS3 Trophy card They link your Playstation account to the widget that shows what you're playing and where you're at for trophies. I'm still working on Resistance 2 and I swear I'm going to get Rock Band 2 one of these days too. I've got to buy the Resident Evil 5 multiplayer to finish those out too. I also read that Singstar is going to have trophies, but they look damn hard and many require that you shoot a video. I'll have to see if a cheap web cam works or if you need the PS3 one. Either way, I will be busy :)