It's been a while since I've blogged about my personal life. I guess it's probably because it's a bunch of the same old shit happening and when something different does happen, I'm to indifferent to blogging about it. A few things that have happened are that I've got a netbook now. All that plasma donation has finally paid off. It's nice having a (almost) full sized computer to play with. Also....uh....ah...I can't really think of anything major that's happened since my last post :(
We're getting into the busy part of summer now, so that every other weekend when Pam's not working we've got some big event going on. Last weekend was our first week camping. It went pretty well, considering I'm not an outdoorsy person. We're still streamlining our camping approach, however we still managed to forget a few things (more firewood, seasonings for chicken, etc) but I was able to McGyver a few things together. It also reminded us that it would be nice to have a list in order make sure we have what we need.
The place we were at was Kilby Lake campground, just outside of Montello. This one became our favorite right from the start because all they did was carve out each campsite from the forest, leaving natural barriers between you and your neighbors so that it feels a little more private. However, the first thing Genna did was investigate the site next door and found another 5 year old girl to play with. That normally would have been OK, except that if Genna wasn't over at the neighbor's campsite, their kid was over by us. It got to the point where we literally had to tell Genna that she needs some family time without her friend hanging out.
My favorite part about camping is just sitting by the fire drinking beer and talking about nothing. I didn't get to do too much of that because we didn't take enough wood for the first night, and the second we were too exhausted. It didn't help that the kids just cannot seem to settle down at night, in fact the later it gets the wilder they semm. I don't know how to fix that at all.
Anyways, there was a lot of fun had by all with the berry picking and hayrides and what not. They had a pig roast on the day we were there and that was some good stuff too. The campground has decent wifi up by the office, and I was able to get a better EDGE signal on my cell phone than when I'm at home (that's funny). The game room was mostly filled with broke ass games, but Genna and I managed to get the high score on 1942 (her shooting and me steering).
I don't know why I like camping so much but I'm glad I do and I'm glad we're taking the kids. I didn't get much of that experience when I was a kid so it's new to me too :) It's also nice to like camping because we're doing it 2-3 more times this year.
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