Friday, March 27, 2009

What in the bloody hell?

So, for an RE5 update. I HAD 2 trophies left to get and then Capcom adds 10 more in their 1.02 update (which you don't have the option of turning down). Apparently they are putting in more online content PvP and coop Mercenaries, etc. However, it remains to be seen if these will be free or paid content. Either way it's bullshit. If you add trophies for the DLC then the trophies should be added when you actually get the DLC not before.

I was hoping to get done with the trophies because I'm borrowing Resistance 2 from a friend and right now my PS3 is so loaded with stuff that I can't keep game data from 2 seperate games at the same time on the system. Once I get all the Rock Band 2 trophies I can finally reformat the drive.

We've been complaining to doctors for about a year about our youngest daughter's swollen tonsils. Each time they kept placating us about it saying that they're not a problem, maybe she has another infection, etc. So Monday we took her into our new family doctor who says that they are a problem but doesn't think that they are that big of a deal. Nevertheless he did refer us to an ENT doc (due to our insurance we need a referral for them to cover it). So when we took her to the ENT he was surpised she could even hear, which she technically can't. Both ears and tubes are blocked up. So we've got her scheduled to get her tonsils and adenoids removed and the doc also wants to get tubes in her ears which is going to be a massive pain in the ass. Hopefully, it'll be worth it and when she can actually hear maybe she'll listen to us and then everyone will be happy.

What I wonder with all this horseshit is, is all this runaround due to the fact that we're on state insurance or what? I mean it's not like we're just subjecting our kids to frivolous procedures for the hell of it. Yet, 4 General Practitioners looked at our daughters tonsils and all 4 thought it wasn't a big deal and only 1 was willing to refer us to an expert. So what's the story here? Is the policy not to cut on little kids? To fuck with people who don't have decent insurance? Who knows. 1 thing I did learn is that even if you're not a doctor, you know your kids. You owe it to them to push the issue and to get multiple opinions when you think there is something wrong.

What also pisses me off is when people just can't admit that they do not know something. I know that you need to be seen as knowledgeable in your line of work, but if you don't know just say so. I won't think any less of you, in fact I'll probably think more because I know you're not going to feed me a line of bullshit to cover your lack of knowledge. I see that everywhere. Doctors, mechanics, computer tech, stock gurus. Just admit that you don't fucking know everything. Seriously, I must say "I don't know" probably 20-30 times in a given day. I'll speculate, but I'll tell the customers that this is what I THINK happened not what I KNOW happened.

Anyways, that's enough bitching for today. Happy Friday, y'all

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