Not much there on the commercial front. The Doritos and hulu ads were pretty funny, the Pepsi ones were OK and Budweiser just needs to stop right now. I'm tired of made up words and Clydesdale horses. I'm shocked actually that Miller didn't do a commercial, I suppose though that they did save a good chunk of money by NOT doing one.
I loved the 3D ads, but a note to the ad people for Chuck.... if something is 1 dimensional, that means it exists as a point on a plane. The gimmick where Chuck and whoever else transformed into something with no depth is 2 dimensional. I know you idiots didn't pay attention in geometry but come on, it's the Super Bowl, you need to give 110% and bring your A game.
Oh and here's how stupid I look in 3D glasses, in case you were wondering
Also there's too many damn movie trailers. The new Fast and Furious looks retarded (big shocker there right?), I really don't care for Angels and Demons, both Pixar movies are intriguing but I'm not paying for my kids to not sit through another movie when they could do that at home. The only one I'm really interested in is the new Star Trek and I know about that already.
One other thing is that John Madden is a dirty dirty old man. Between all the talk of Larry Fitzgerald's big strong hands, and Ben Rothlisberger "pumping it, reloading, and just putting it in there" I couldn't stop laughing. So thank you John Madden for making the actual commentary more enjoyable than the commercials.
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