So, the plasma place really isn't working out. I never considered that there'd be a problem with me giving whole blood 3 weeks ago, but I got deferred until April because of it, so there's no shot of getting the collector's version of RE5 (or just the game for that matter). So that sucks
Because of the economy, Pam's mom has given us a choice:
-Get less money from her for our birthdays and Xmas, we normally get around $800 between the 3 so I'm thinking somewhere around $200-400.
-Give us $400 to take the kids to Chula Vista or somewhere in Wisconsin Dells
Obviously we took option 2, because we at least get to use the money, whereas with option 1 it all goes towards bills. I don't really get why she made us choose at all, yeah she's laid off, but she VOLUNTEERED for it. Whatever, it's her money and her decision, I just don't understand it. It still sucks because we really do need the bill money.
A little background before this next part: We had a 55 gallon aquarium in the living room and noticed Friday that the wood in the stand is warping and the carpet is soaked. We had no idea where the water was coming from so I emptied the tank, relocated the fish, and moved everything so that the carpet would dry.
Anyways, I come home yesterday, pissed off because I wasted 3 vacation hours for no fucking money from the plasma place and Pam wants me to tear up the carpet in living room because the wet spot (see paragraph above) appears to be growing. So I have to tear apart the AV Center, couch, etc and move everything else out of the room. We were planning on putting laminate in there anyways, so that's not a huge deal I would just rather do it when it's warmer out.
Then we end up going to Menards to buy the stuff to build a brick veneer wall in the living room because Pam has been talking about it non-stop and I am a whipped pussy. She also wanted to repaint and get new blinds. So the short version of the story is that Menards didn't have the flooring in stock so we couldn't buy the one thing that really needed to be done and then maxed out the Menard's card on the stuff for the wall that technically could have waited. At least we had a little tax money left so we could pay the $600 off right away when we got home but we still need the flooring and I can't really move anything back in until that gets done....the walls I could have done with all the furniture in there :-<
Anyways. I peeled out the carpeting and padding and that carpeting is fucking wrecked. Massive stains from our kids/pets and the former owner's are all over. It's pretty fucking stupid because the hardwood underneath is in very good shape.....except for where all the moisture bonded the padding to the wood. I had to bring out a driveway ice scraper to scrape it off. Anyways where the wet spot was the wood is soaked and warped so I'm not even sure if it was the fish tank because it seems like too much or if somehow it's coming up from the crawl space, so now I have to dig out the fucking crawl space and take a look in there. When I got up this morning it did appear a little dryer so I'm not really sure what's going on any more. Either way I'll probably have to replace that section of the floor and then still have to lay down laminate whenever we can afford it.
On top of that we found out that the USDA got our letter, they admitted that they made a mistake (they thought Pam was getting paid 2x a month and not the once that we reported). However they wouldn't indicate how much they would take off of the mortgage or even if we are in line for a reduction.
I can't find my PSP games anywhere because I've completed LocoRoco and I need something new to play at work. On top of that we get the Wii Fit today, but my fucking living room is in shamble and I don't know when we'll be able to use it. I need a fucking new digital camera because the kids broke the old one. There's still the recessed lights to install and the coat room to refloor. I also couldn't watch House, 24, or Monday Night Raw and I'm expecting to be without TV for a while yet..
THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR ME TO TAKE!!! I don't even know where to begin and it's depressing the hell out of me.
Other than that, everything's going great *sigh*
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Wii have Fitness
Sometimes it's nice getting those annoying e-mails from vendors. New Egg sent one this morning that said they had Wii Fits in stock. I checked right away and they were still there so I bought one. It's too bad it's on a Friday, that usually means I won't see it until Wednesday or Thursday. I did get rush processing so they should be able to get it on a truck today, but it's going to sit in California or Iowa all weekend :(. The other downer is that there's $12.99 shipping on it. However, it's not in stores around Beaver Dam at all and I'm sick of driving around Madison for one. Now Pam just has to figure out how to pry me away from Rock Band to be able to use it.....maybe we should get a 2nd TV (hint, hint)
The plasma place didn't work out. They're open til 6pm but stop taking new donors at 4pm because the new donor process is freakin 3-4 hours long. Apparantly they do a physical exam and everything. So now I'm actually taking time off from work to go through the new donor process and then hopefully subsquescent visits I can get in after work. With any luck I should have the $90 before the 13th to get the Resident Evil 5 collectors Edition. Failing that, I'll still be able to buy the game (even if I only do 2 donations).
So I suppose that's it for now.
The plasma place didn't work out. They're open til 6pm but stop taking new donors at 4pm because the new donor process is freakin 3-4 hours long. Apparantly they do a physical exam and everything. So now I'm actually taking time off from work to go through the new donor process and then hopefully subsquescent visits I can get in after work. With any luck I should have the $90 before the 13th to get the Resident Evil 5 collectors Edition. Failing that, I'll still be able to buy the game (even if I only do 2 donations).
So I suppose that's it for now.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Fluids for sale
So anyways, despite the fact that we got almost $6000 in debt paid off, money's still pretty tight until we can straighten out our house payment (and even then that won't free up a lot). I'm actually considering selling plasma to a plasma bank here in Madison. Now of course I don't know how that will work out, what the hours are, etc. but I think I'll be giving it a try. It'll be worth it once I get the collector's edition of Resident Evil 5 in my grubby hands.
Also on the list of swag to get:
-Iphone or iPod touch
-Nintendo DSi - a street date of April 5th has supposedly been annoucnced so yay for that.
-A few more piercings/tattoos. I technically have to get a tattoo for my 2nd kid as I have one for the 1st and I want to get my eyebrow repierced
-New Rock Band guitar controllers and a Rock Band 2 drumset
-Possibly an XBox 360. I'm not a fan of the three shitty but there's quite a few decent exclusives for it, so....maybe.
-If I can swing it I want to go see Stephen Lynch at the Barrymore on the 7th, but that's really pushing it.
Either way it's yet another thing I'm doing for some more dollars.
I broke down and got Rock Band 2 and I'm really liking it.
The Pros:
-Better Career Mode (you can hire staff, and there's more venues to play at)
-Difficutly seems easier. I've 5 starred almost everything I've played on drums the 1st time
-Less Harmonix songs. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I want to be able to download them and listen to them outside of the game to learn them.
-Import Rock Band 1 songs. Other than 'Enter Sandman', 'Run for the Hills', and 'Paranoid' all the Rock Band 1 songs can be brought in which will give you quite a bit of songs to work from.
-No solo tour. You can now do World tour by yourself, that way you can progress in the tour if you don't have a band. Woot!
-Trophy support. Rock Band 2 has 50 trophies to earn from just starting the game to completing the Endless setlist (all 85 songs in one playlist) on Expert. I managed to get 100% on drums and vocals in Expert on a few songs, but I don't think I'll be able to pull it off with guitar and bass unless I get some improved intruments.
The Cons:
-For your band scores to count towards the online leaderboards, you have to play in online mode. However, if your PS3 disconnects for any reason it will cancel you out of the song you are playing. It's fucked me twice now. Quickplay scores will be added to the leaderboard without it having to be connected for some reason.
-You can't import your band from Rock Band 1. The number one thing is your scores on the songs from RB1 don't get carried forward and you have to recreate all of your band members.
-The Harmonix songs are integrated into the game so you'll have to learn them if you want to 5 star everything on World Tour
-Some of the trophies are downright brutal and punitive to those who can't field a full band or can't play shit on Expert. For example one trophy is to get an 8X band multiplier which can only be done with a full band. We will probably get 4 people together eventually but it doesn't happen often.
-The drum trainer. There are 4 trophies set up for this that require doing x # of patterns at a specific BPM. The problem is that when you go up in levels the patterns get faster and way more complicated and you never see some of them in a song so what's the point. I'd rather just practice a song.
-I'm a friggin' addict and that's not good.
Anyways, that's pretty much all that's going on in my life right now.
Also on the list of swag to get:
-Iphone or iPod touch
-Nintendo DSi - a street date of April 5th has supposedly been annoucnced so yay for that.
-A few more piercings/tattoos. I technically have to get a tattoo for my 2nd kid as I have one for the 1st and I want to get my eyebrow repierced
-New Rock Band guitar controllers and a Rock Band 2 drumset
-Possibly an XBox 360. I'm not a fan of the three shitty but there's quite a few decent exclusives for it, so....maybe.
-If I can swing it I want to go see Stephen Lynch at the Barrymore on the 7th, but that's really pushing it.
Either way it's yet another thing I'm doing for some more dollars.
I broke down and got Rock Band 2 and I'm really liking it.
The Pros:
-Better Career Mode (you can hire staff, and there's more venues to play at)
-Difficutly seems easier. I've 5 starred almost everything I've played on drums the 1st time
-Less Harmonix songs. It's not that I don't like them, it's just that I want to be able to download them and listen to them outside of the game to learn them.
-Import Rock Band 1 songs. Other than 'Enter Sandman', 'Run for the Hills', and 'Paranoid' all the Rock Band 1 songs can be brought in which will give you quite a bit of songs to work from.
-No solo tour. You can now do World tour by yourself, that way you can progress in the tour if you don't have a band. Woot!
-Trophy support. Rock Band 2 has 50 trophies to earn from just starting the game to completing the Endless setlist (all 85 songs in one playlist) on Expert. I managed to get 100% on drums and vocals in Expert on a few songs, but I don't think I'll be able to pull it off with guitar and bass unless I get some improved intruments.
The Cons:
-For your band scores to count towards the online leaderboards, you have to play in online mode. However, if your PS3 disconnects for any reason it will cancel you out of the song you are playing. It's fucked me twice now. Quickplay scores will be added to the leaderboard without it having to be connected for some reason.
-You can't import your band from Rock Band 1. The number one thing is your scores on the songs from RB1 don't get carried forward and you have to recreate all of your band members.
-The Harmonix songs are integrated into the game so you'll have to learn them if you want to 5 star everything on World Tour
-Some of the trophies are downright brutal and punitive to those who can't field a full band or can't play shit on Expert. For example one trophy is to get an 8X band multiplier which can only be done with a full band. We will probably get 4 people together eventually but it doesn't happen often.
-The drum trainer. There are 4 trophies set up for this that require doing x # of patterns at a specific BPM. The problem is that when you go up in levels the patterns get faster and way more complicated and you never see some of them in a song so what's the point. I'd rather just practice a song.
-I'm a friggin' addict and that's not good.
Anyways, that's pretty much all that's going on in my life right now.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The train definitely is not a-rolling
Note: You Know Who: you will probably not want to read this, as I'm bitching about money. I need to vent on this but I can't stop you from seeing it. No more fights please.
On the road to financial success we've made progress but have hit a few potholes too. My wife and I finally (after 6 yrs of marriage) have gotten a joint checking account. A lot of it is that I always feel weird having to use a card with her name on it when making purchases. I've only been hassled about it a few times in 4-5 years but it's still weird. On top of that, all of my online purchases I have to put in her name because she's the account holder.
Anyways, we got a sweet deal at West Bend (now Westbury) Bank. If you:
-Make 10 credit purchases a month and
-Have 1 direct deposit or 1 automatic bill payment a month and
-Check your online account at least once a month
You will get 4.44% interest paid out on your checking account balance and out-of-network ATM fees (up to $25) refunded. That's almost double the FNBO Savings account I just opened. Now of course we don't usually have too much in the account, so we won't get too much in interest but it's still nice. Also even if you don't meet the criteria for the month, you still get .2% Now we just have to go through all the hassle of switching our account stuff over. I've got my Direct Deposit changed and now there's an automatic payment or two we have to work out.
However, as I've been tracking the finances more, I thought (at first) that we had a lot more money to save. However, I was really tired and failed to account for a few things. Pam redid it at work and found that we have a lot less than I thought. Money really makes her anxious and when she's anxious she yells at me. I suppose it's her right, but when she starts getting into how I'm getting nothing back for my 60,000 in student loans, I think it's a low blow.
I mean she's right in a sense. While I'm doing better than if I hadn't gone at all. I'm only making $3 more per hour than when I was at the factory, so that's not really worth the 60000 of debt I incurred. I have a CIS degree which I've never used for a programming job. I could not find a job after I left school the first time. Looking back, I didn't try hard enough but still I did try and didn't get any callbacks because I had no experience. So in order to not pay on the student loans, I went back for a CNT degree (networking). Using that, I was able to get a job, but it was only through sheer luck, as my neighbor ran a computer repair shop and hired me. I saw that a lot of jobs are requiring a Bachelor's degree, so I got a BS in Technology Management, which was a waste of time and money in my opinion.
So yeah, I'm 60000 in debt and working a $15/hr job that I can't get promoted to permanent employement (The state has a hiring freeze) and with the economy, I can't find a new job. Even if I could, it would be hard to move up because someone would have to take a chance on me. I've been repairing computers/general help desk for 4 years now but I'm not doing much here that would translate experience for a higher paying job. How do people move up? I don't know? I can't get experience because I have no experience....and that makes me anxious and depressed because I don't know how to get out of this hole.
On the road to financial success we've made progress but have hit a few potholes too. My wife and I finally (after 6 yrs of marriage) have gotten a joint checking account. A lot of it is that I always feel weird having to use a card with her name on it when making purchases. I've only been hassled about it a few times in 4-5 years but it's still weird. On top of that, all of my online purchases I have to put in her name because she's the account holder.
Anyways, we got a sweet deal at West Bend (now Westbury) Bank. If you:
-Make 10 credit purchases a month and
-Have 1 direct deposit or 1 automatic bill payment a month and
-Check your online account at least once a month
You will get 4.44% interest paid out on your checking account balance and out-of-network ATM fees (up to $25) refunded. That's almost double the FNBO Savings account I just opened. Now of course we don't usually have too much in the account, so we won't get too much in interest but it's still nice. Also even if you don't meet the criteria for the month, you still get .2% Now we just have to go through all the hassle of switching our account stuff over. I've got my Direct Deposit changed and now there's an automatic payment or two we have to work out.
However, as I've been tracking the finances more, I thought (at first) that we had a lot more money to save. However, I was really tired and failed to account for a few things. Pam redid it at work and found that we have a lot less than I thought. Money really makes her anxious and when she's anxious she yells at me. I suppose it's her right, but when she starts getting into how I'm getting nothing back for my 60,000 in student loans, I think it's a low blow.
I mean she's right in a sense. While I'm doing better than if I hadn't gone at all. I'm only making $3 more per hour than when I was at the factory, so that's not really worth the 60000 of debt I incurred. I have a CIS degree which I've never used for a programming job. I could not find a job after I left school the first time. Looking back, I didn't try hard enough but still I did try and didn't get any callbacks because I had no experience. So in order to not pay on the student loans, I went back for a CNT degree (networking). Using that, I was able to get a job, but it was only through sheer luck, as my neighbor ran a computer repair shop and hired me. I saw that a lot of jobs are requiring a Bachelor's degree, so I got a BS in Technology Management, which was a waste of time and money in my opinion.
So yeah, I'm 60000 in debt and working a $15/hr job that I can't get promoted to permanent employement (The state has a hiring freeze) and with the economy, I can't find a new job. Even if I could, it would be hard to move up because someone would have to take a chance on me. I've been repairing computers/general help desk for 4 years now but I'm not doing much here that would translate experience for a higher paying job. How do people move up? I don't know? I can't get experience because I have no experience....and that makes me anxious and depressed because I don't know how to get out of this hole.
So anyways, when that comes up in arguements it always makes me feel like shit because I did need to go to school to get the jobs I want, but I made so many fucking mistakes that it ended up doubling my student loan debt. If I had just gotten my CNT and had been done with it, I'd only have 25-30k worth of debt, which is much more managable and it would all be through the gov't. As it is for my bachelor's degree I had to take 12,000 out in private loans which my wife cosigned on so now she's on the hook for it too.
All this makes me a saaaaad panda. So I'm going to stop talking about it before I jump off a bridge or something.
Monday, February 2, 2009
How aboot them Steelers, eh?
Crazy game last night. I think that rates as one of the top 3 Super Bowls that I remember. Patriots - Giants last year was good and the Patriots - Eagles in 2005 was fairly good too. I would have said Patriots - Rams from 2002 was a good game but I missed half of it (and no, I'm not a Pats fan, I just like games that are close in the 4th Qtr.). It's too bad that the Cards didn't win. I would like to see each team out there win a championship so that the fanbases can stop bitching about not winning the Big One. Of course teams like the Cards, Lions, and Browns all have NFL championships to their credit but no Super Bowls, so the fans will still bitch about that. Oh well. I'd like to see my 49ers make a return to postseason glory and tie the Steelers for most Super Bowl victories. With the state of the NFC West, it's very likely.
Not much there on the commercial front. The Doritos and hulu ads were pretty funny, the Pepsi ones were OK and Budweiser just needs to stop right now. I'm tired of made up words and Clydesdale horses. I'm shocked actually that Miller didn't do a commercial, I suppose though that they did save a good chunk of money by NOT doing one.
I loved the 3D ads, but a note to the ad people for Chuck.... if something is 1 dimensional, that means it exists as a point on a plane. The gimmick where Chuck and whoever else transformed into something with no depth is 2 dimensional. I know you idiots didn't pay attention in geometry but come on, it's the Super Bowl, you need to give 110% and bring your A game.
Oh and here's how stupid I look in 3D glasses, in case you were wondering

Also there's too many damn movie trailers. The new Fast and Furious looks retarded (big shocker there right?), I really don't care for Angels and Demons, both Pixar movies are intriguing but I'm not paying for my kids to not sit through another movie when they could do that at home. The only one I'm really interested in is the new Star Trek and I know about that already.
One other thing is that John Madden is a dirty dirty old man. Between all the talk of Larry Fitzgerald's big strong hands, and Ben Rothlisberger "pumping it, reloading, and just putting it in there" I couldn't stop laughing. So thank you John Madden for making the actual commentary more enjoyable than the commercials.
Not much there on the commercial front. The Doritos and hulu ads were pretty funny, the Pepsi ones were OK and Budweiser just needs to stop right now. I'm tired of made up words and Clydesdale horses. I'm shocked actually that Miller didn't do a commercial, I suppose though that they did save a good chunk of money by NOT doing one.
I loved the 3D ads, but a note to the ad people for Chuck.... if something is 1 dimensional, that means it exists as a point on a plane. The gimmick where Chuck and whoever else transformed into something with no depth is 2 dimensional. I know you idiots didn't pay attention in geometry but come on, it's the Super Bowl, you need to give 110% and bring your A game.
Oh and here's how stupid I look in 3D glasses, in case you were wondering
Also there's too many damn movie trailers. The new Fast and Furious looks retarded (big shocker there right?), I really don't care for Angels and Demons, both Pixar movies are intriguing but I'm not paying for my kids to not sit through another movie when they could do that at home. The only one I'm really interested in is the new Star Trek and I know about that already.
One other thing is that John Madden is a dirty dirty old man. Between all the talk of Larry Fitzgerald's big strong hands, and Ben Rothlisberger "pumping it, reloading, and just putting it in there" I couldn't stop laughing. So thank you John Madden for making the actual commentary more enjoyable than the commercials.
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