Wednesday, December 17, 2008

By the power of Briggs & Stratton

I got a new snowblower over my lunch break. It's 27" of clearing width with a 230cc 11.5 ft-lb of torque monster engine! I was going to wait until I got home but with the foot of snow coming, they were selling like mad. I scored that last one in the store for the model I wanted. So it's now official, no iPhone for me :( Maybe if I get the old one fixed and sell it for $300 I can talk Pam back into it. For now, at least I don't have to shovel. wOOt!


  1. Daddy, I really do wish you'd stop talking about the iPhone already. Not to sound like a bitch, but I thought our understanding was that a snow blower for our big-ass driveway would save you a lot of time (not to mention your back) so it was pretty much a nessescity this winter? I was also under the impression that we'd try to sell the old piece of shit for about $300 or so which goes towards today's purchase. In addition to this, the $250-$300 which you MIGHT get for your birthday goes towards paying off the rest of the today's purchase? And even after you take into account these two large payments on the credit card, we still owe a bit on the Menard's card, not to mention the other $250 alone on today's purchase. Was I wrong in this understanding? I guess I just can't figure out where in the hell all the extra money for the iPhone is coming from?!!! And quite frankly, I'm rather sick and tired of going back and forth on this. You KNEW that we either had to wait until next year for the snow blower, or we got it this year and then you don't get your iPhone. Can't have it both ways.

    And *HOPEFULLY* that case is closed...

  2. So what?! I can't have hope that maybe something good will happen and maybe it could be a possibility come March? I can't just talk about it because I have nothing else to talk about? I guess I should just give up hope on getting a new car, or the receiver for the home entertainment system, a bigger TV, or any other pipe dream we've talked about over the last year.

    I talk about this because it gives me something to work for. Without any tangible goals, I might as well be a fucking zombie. I know damn well I'm not getting an iPhone. I know damn well that I don't get a lot of the shit I'd like to get (unless I sell my shit to get it). I am a realist, but it's nice to dream sometimes. You don't need to bring me down.

    NOW the case is closed
